
More than 2000 years ago, Asian warriors designed the saddle in order to facilitate maneuvering on horseback. The galloping of armies over great plains and at high speeds required mastery and control, thus generating the need for an article that would allow them to master the art of horseback riding, becoming one of the most revolutionary inventions of that time.

The saddle quickly became a tool that allowed them to battle comfortably, without running the risk of falling off the horse while fighting more effectively.

With the passing of time, this element evolved and was adapted to the physiognomic characteristics of each of the equine breeds and therefore of the disciplines practiced on the back of this animal.

It is important to know that the saddle is an element that should not be acquired at random, it is a piece that has special and unique characteristics that fit the type of activity whether it is competitive, work or sport.

The saddles market is divided into three basic groups: Galapagos, Tereques and Head Saddles.

Within the first group of Galapagos, there are the saddles for competitions and sports activities, the second group is related to the Tereques, basically created for walking activities, and the third and last group are the Saddles, here is where there is an important offer of work and luxury saddles for walking.

Having said the above, we can deduce that the polo saddles are within the first group we mentioned. In this type of polo saddles we focus on Krono Polo, applying multiple innovative designs; therefore, it is important that the design of the polo saddle fits the horse's own anatomy and build, for the sporting activity to be performed -in this case, polo- another important aspect is the materials that make up the polo saddle, since the pieces must be light, made of fresh and soft materials, so that they do not generate any kind of injury to the rider or the animal.

At Krono Polo, we have decided to use materials that favor the creation of an ultra-light polo saddle, which is made of wool and beech wood, among other things, which allows not only lightness but also comfort for the polo player and for the horse, allowing it to resist each chukka easily.

To know if a saddle is suitable and is supported by the horse, it is necessary to be very attentive to the way it behaves, and if it looks comfortable with the saddle on its back, as it is often ignored that many of the equine accidents are caused by elements that generate discomfort and even injuries to the horse. 

On the other hand, its durability depends on good maintenance, which is based on the correct use of grease and constant cleaning, in addition to proper care when stored, this task should be given in a dry place that does not directly reach the sun's rays, as they can deteriorate the materials of the saddle if for a prolonged period of time the impact fixedly. 

Visit www.kronopolo.com and discover why Krono polo saddles have established themselves as one of the best on the market.