How do you turn pure cashmere wool into a warm, soft jumper or an elegant and sophisticated polo shirt?

The harvesting of cashmere wool begins in early spring, by which time the Kashmiri goats begin to shed their rich, delicate undercoat of wool. That's right, cashmere is actually the name of the goats that produce this precious layer of wool, which they use to protect themselves from the severe frosts of the Himalayan plateaus. 

Traditionally, cashmere wool is obtained by collecting the tufts left on rocks and bushes, as the goats rub their coats against these surfaces trying to get rid of the warm layers, since in spring and summer this heavy layer of wool becomes a nuisance due to the excess heat. The crucial part of cashmere wool production is, however, obtained from factory farms where the wool is obtained by combing.

For the production of cashmere yarn only the first layer is used, i.e. the one close to the body of the goat, the outer part contains too stiff fibres, which are not suitable for weaving clothes, as their quality is much lower than that found further inside the whole coat. It is worth noting that from one goat about 150 grams of cashmere wool is obtained annually, which is relatively little compared to what is needed to produce a single article in this fabric, worldwide each year a total of about 15,000 tonnes is obtained. It can be seen that cashmere is a truly rare and random natural fabric, which has a direct impact on its price and why it is a scarce and highly desirable fabric.

The raw cashmere begins its treatment and conversion process from the moment it is washed and organised; then the yarn is chosen and will go through a process of dyeing and drying. After that comes the most important part, the weaving, it is here where the properties of the final product and therefore gives life to the product, this final stage can be done through an automated process in a production line or on the contrary in a manual handmade manufacturing process. The cashmere products offered by Krono are manufactured in Italy where cashmere weaving is handled par excellence, each garment is carefully woven using luxury cashmere to obtain a soft, comfortable and very sophisticated fabric. All the properties of cashmere are thus fully preserved.

Krono Polo's cashmere collection ranges from polo shirts, long sleeve polo shirts, long trousers and hoodies, all made to Krono's own design standards for which it is widely recognised around the world. Classic designs with a youthful essence that allows it to be used by everyone, as this collection has also been released for both men and women.

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