
"Polo means passion, performance, work and style". With this sentence by Giulio Pastore we wanted to start this text, which seeks to explain why polo, good taste and luxury cars always go hand in hand.

Giulio Pastore is the manager of Maserati Europe, and according to him, polo has been and will continue to be the perfect place to share among people of a certain profile who value cars and exquisite pleasures, but without the pretensions that can be experienced in other spaces. Polo then becomes an atmosphere of enjoyment and relaxation, where the protagonist is not the number of zeros in the fans' accounts but the sporting atmosphere, the horses and of course, the polo players and the way they play.

Throughout history, polo has been associated with royalty, aristocracy and power. Nowadays, when monarchies are not as popular as they were hundreds of years ago, nor are they as common as they were in medieval times, polo has adapted to the profiles that predominate today and are still in force... Families. This is how polo players and lovers, from generation to generation and inherited through their grandfathers, fathers, uncles and brothers, have kept alive the fervent passion for polo, in the midst of families that have both history and tradition for this sport, developing various activities that have made polo not only a lifestyle but their very life.

It is in these centres where passions, ideas and tastes are shared, in the same way that one grows up among horses and constantly visiting the polo club to see friends or family members play. It is from here that one learns to see the amazing cars that arrive at the club every weekend waiting for the next polo match, and it is there that the love for sports cars is born, which, although one normally imagines them on paved city roads, contrast perfectly with the wide green grass polo field, where fans gather at the side of the field to watch them play from the comfort of their cars.

This is how, in the midst of the relaxed atmosphere, the uncomplicated clothes and the car tyres on the green grass, the necessary factors come together to make a polo match a car exhibition place, where each attendee wants to have his own share to be recognised and not go unnoticed. Where the passion for cars and speed is comparable to the passion for polo and the speed that horses reach. It is the union of common aspects that polo and chariots have in common that make both worlds fit together perfectly, which can be as different as they are complementary. Where the elegance of polo is as unmistakable as that of a sports car, but we should not be fooled by its elegance, as the adrenaline is unstoppable in both worlds and we always come to the conclusion that polo and cars make us feel alive.