A little late, but here we are. 2021 will be remembered as the year where we struggled to return to normality despite being up against all odds. However, we are convinced that the only way to overcome uncertainty is to create our own future with firm and sure steps, with the conviction that nothing and no one can take away everything we have fought for.

In the year that has just ended, Krono Polo fulfilled its purpose of continuing to expand its audience and the places it reaches, while preserving its modern and sophisticated identity. For 2022, we have set our sights on expanding our business lines; we are already working tirelessly on a line of fitness products, leather goods, and without giving too much away, on another series of items for sports other than polo.


To grow we need to move forward

As a young brand we are aware that every step we take is a way to keep learning and growing, but always with the firmness and security that what we offer in the market retains an authentic and genuine seal, so that those who feel identified with Krono Polo find in us the answer when deciding what to wear in their day to day life. Not only for the game of polo or training outside or inside the gym, but also in the different moments of their everyday life.

True to our desire to continue to expand our product portfolio and to go through a year where we had some great launches. For 2022, we will continue to move forward in our quest to optimise the way we relate to our customers, optimising our customer service channels and the variety of content to reach our audience.


Krono Polo: a global brand

Today our borders are becoming shorter and shorter. Our desire has always been to reach as many places as possible, but that implies a huge challenge, to arrive on time and with reasonable shipping costs. Aware that we can continue to improve, today our products are shipped from different parts of the world to improve the online shopping experience for our customers, to fulfill the purpose of being global with all that this means.

Moving forward means always looking ahead, focusing on the future, and taking on the challenges that arise along the way. However, it is inevitable not to look back to thank all the clubs, teams and individuals who have trusted us to give a uniquely distinctive look to their garments and, consequently, to their polo equipment; in the case of the customised items we produce. For the others, it is an honour to know that our designs in some way represent the individual essence of each customer and that is where we find the motivation to continue to innovate in the creation of our products.

Each year is filled with uncertainty, but at Krono Polo we take comfort in knowing that we work tirelessly to make each year space for new opportunities. Happy 2022.


Krono Polo Team