
Getting up early to exercise can often feel like a real sacrifice, especially when you're just starting to work out. So, if you're going to take the plunge and work out in the morning, whether it's at the gym, running in the park or visiting the polo club first thing in the morning, you'll want to make sure it's worth the effort. 

Luckily, at this time of the year, sunny, clear mornings make it easier to get out of bed and get out for a workout. The combination of sunshine and endorphin-inducing exercise is the perfect start to the day, right? Well, in reality a good workout goes much further than that and needs certain components to get the most out of it. Here are 5 tips to make sure you get the most out of your workout or polo practice.

Getting up early to exercise can often feel like a real sacrifice, especially when you're just starting to work out. So, if you're going to take the plunge and work out in the morning, whether it's at the gym, running in the park or visiting the polo club first thing in the morning, you'll want to make sure it's worth the effort. 

Luckily, at this time of the year, sunny, clear mornings make it easier to get out of bed and get out for a workout. The combination of sunshine and endorphin-inducing exercise is the perfect start to the day, right? Well, in reality a good workout goes much further than that and needs certain components to get the most out of it. Here are 5 tips to make sure you get the most out of your workout or polo practice.

Get a good night's sleep

It's always important to get enough sleep, but even more so when you're getting up early to work out. Aim for 7 to 9 hours of sleep to avoid falling asleep in the middle of your workout. A good night's sleep can be very beneficial to your performance as it boosts muscle recovery. Remember that the recovery of our body is just as important as the actual exercise, a recovered muscle can perform much better in the gym or at a polo match.

Eating before a workout

Working out on an empty stomach can make you feel tired and unmotivated, whereas eating before a workout can make you feel energised and eager to get started. Fasting workout has gained a lot of traction in recent days, however, it's true that it's not for everyone and certainly not for those who are just starting out or just getting back into the sporting process. To make sure you feel this way, eat something before you start. A mix of protein and carbohydrates will help you perform at your best. Don't eat early? Something as simple as a banana will give you that energy boost first thing in the morning. 

Avoid improvising

Planning your workout in advance means you can be much more efficient with your polo practice or training because, if you have your routine defined, you can get straight to it and not spend time thinking about what exercise to do or looking for what your needs are, which could be: improving technique, increasing strength, working on endurance, among many others. If you are efficient in your workout, this translates into a shorter practice so you can spend those extra minutes in bed instead of debating what exercise or route to take in the morning. 

When planning your workout, whether in the gym or on your horse, be sure to vary. Doing the same routine every day can lead to boredom, which can lead to a lack of motivation to get up and exercise.

Warming up your muscles is vital

Warming up is very important. Although it may seem unnecessary, it can actually have a big impact on your performance. As well as physically warming up your muscles to prepare them for the more intense workouts to come, it also improves elasticity, prevents injury, reduces soreness and promotes the flow of oxygen to your muscles so they can contract and relax more easily. Find out more about the benefits of warming up here. 

Stay hydrated

Staying hydrated can have a significant impact on your performance. Make sure you drink something when you wake up, before you start your workout, and generally during and after exercise. If you don't drink fluids, you run the risk of becoming dehydrated and feeling lightheaded, which in turn will affect your workout and limit the duration and amount of exercise you can perform. 

Prepare your clothes

We know that going for a workout is no longer a thing of the past, where you put on the first pair of shorts you could find and the T-shirt you slept in worked for your workout. Nowadays, getting dressed up for a workout is almost as important as getting dressed up for the office, so avoid running around trying to find something appropriate to wear, especially if you're short on time. Make sure you are prepared by laying out your clothes the night before so you can turn off the alarm and put them on straight away.

Most importantly, set goals, meet them and exceed them. Track your achievements and congratulate yourself for every step you take.

Visit our website www.kronopolo.com and discover all the items you need for your polo practice, or if you want to train in the gym go to www.krono.co and find everything you need to stay at your best.